Room Hire
Our centre is a popular venue for courses, meetings, training and public events. From our large community hall to one-to-one meeting rooms, we offer a professional service at competitive rates.
For all room booking enquiries, please contact us on 01977 705341 or by email at stmarys@stmaryscommunity.co.uk.
Please see below link for Terms & Conditions of room hire.

Adult Education Courses
We offer a wide range of courses in a friendly and supportive environment, many of which are free to access. Please visit the Courses page for more information.

Activities Timetable
St Mary's is at the heart of the community and hosts many activities. From our Care to Talk support group to Rainbows & Brownies, there's plenty going on. Please visit our timetable to see our latest activities.

Printing & Photocopying Services
Please contact the centre to arrange printing/photocopying and collection, as office hours vary.
01977 705341 / stmarys@stmaryscommunity.co.uk

CORE20Plus5 Appointment Support
St Mary's are working with LiveWell Wakefield to help those who are in need of support to attend their healthcare appointments.
Please contact St Mary's for more information or to make a referral:
01977 705341 / stmarys@stmaryscommunity.co.uk